Our Programs

Professional Chef Training Program

Dive deep into the art and science of culinary mastery with our comprehensive chef training program. From fundamental cooking techniques to advanced culinary skills, this program provides aspiring chefs with the expertise and confidence to excel in professional kitchens worldwide.

Pastry and Baking Arts Program

Indulge your sweet tooth and unleash your creativity with our pastry and baking arts program. Learn the secrets of pastry making, bread baking, cake decorating, and more from our expert instructors. Whether you dream of becoming a pastry chef or adding dessert expertise to your culinary repertoire, this program will sweeten your culinary journey.

Culinary Arts Diploma Program

Our diploma program offers a well-rounded culinary education that covers a wide range of culinary disciplines, including cooking, baking, menu planning, food safety, nutrition, and kitchen management. With a focus on practical skills and industry insights, this program prepares students for diverse career opportunities in the culinary field.

Short Courses and Workshops

Enhance your culinary skills or explore new culinary interests with our short courses and workshops. From knife skills and food photography to international cuisines and culinary trends, our diverse range of short courses and workshops offer something for every culinary enthusiast, regardless of experience level.

Join us at Verona-Green Culinary School and embark on a delicious journey towards a fulfilling career in the culinary arts. Our experienced instructors, hands-on training, and industry connections await you. Enroll today and let your culinary passion thrive!